

Hi, my name is Lisa.

I'm wife to the best guy on the planet, mom to a precocious seven-year-old girl, and a wild three-year-old boy. In my free time, I'm a freelance writer. I consider myself a modern memory keeper. A documenter. To me, there's magic in the intersection of photos, stories, and beautiful bits of paper. My hope is that you find a little bit of that magic here.

Our Story? My husband and I met in Washington, DC, where I attended college. A few years later, we moved to Florida, got married and then settled in Atlanta in 2011. We had Ava in 2012 and Ben in late 2016 following a three-year battle with secondary infertility.

After having Ben, I wanted to document every moment of our life as a family of four. In the past three years, memory keeping has become a passion of mine. This year, I’ll serve my third term on the Ali Edwards Design, Inc and Studio Calico creative teams. In addition to my design roles, I’ve got four classes (with more to come!) over at Big Picture Classes. I’ve been a guest on several podcasts (with more planned for this year) and had a blast! I’ll also be contributing to the SCT Magazine. Now, for the first time, I’m going to be designing small collections of my own designs for pocket page scrapbookers and I’m excited to see how that goes.

Oh, yeah...Freckle Pickle. Where did that come from? I have a mole on my nose that I've hated most of my life. When Ava was about two years old, she was playing with my face, pointed to my mole and said, "Freckle Pickle!" Then she burst into giggles. All of a sudden, an imperfection became something to love. Here's to the weird little things that make us who we are. 

I'd love to hear from you! Email me: lisa@frecklepickle.com. 

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